
NEC comment: The scandal of off-rolling students

NEC comment: The scandal of off-rolling students

The National Extension College has supported and continues to support a diverse range of students. Although the majority remain adults who wish to return to education, in recent years we have also seen a steady rise in home educating families using our service. Still, within this group too, their backgrounds and reasons for using NEC […]

A home-educator’s journey, part 5: Studying GCSE Sociology with NEC

A home-educator’s journey, part 5: Studying GCSE Sociology with NEC

This post was originally published on February 4th 2019 and updated on March 23rd 2020. This is the fifth in the series of ‘A home educator’s journey’. Anna and Lucy are a mother and daughter who are sharing their experiences of online distance learning and home education. This post, written by Lucy, describes what it’s […]

See things from a new perspective and learn your way to better wellbeing

See things from a new perspective and learn your way to better wellbeing

Learning new things has a multitude of benefits. There are the benefits you can see, like helping you to get in to university or to get a new job, and the benefits you can’t see. You can’t see the increase in confidence and sense of achievement you gain from learning a new skill. You can’t […]

Does astronomy hold the key to your future?

Does astronomy hold the key to your future?

*This post was updated 9th March 2020 following its original publication 21st January 2019. Across the globe millions paused in awe and excitement to view last night’s ‘Super blood wolf moon’. Amateur and non-amateur stargazers assembled in droves, casual observers took to social media to share their photos and fascination and many more googled ‘what […]

Government proposals to bar students achieving less than 3 Ds at A level from receiving student loan – NEC comment:

Government proposals to bar students achieving less than 3 Ds at A level from receiving student loan – NEC comment:

With all that has been going on lately in Westminster, you would be forgiven if this story had passed you by. However due to the enormity of its potential impact – particularly in the current climate of Brexit uncertainty – NEC did not want it to go by without comment. Leaked government proposals – expected […]

Najma started something new

Najma started something new

“GCSEs are like a passport for any profession” For Najma, that profession was teaching. However, before embarking on her chosen PGCE course, she first needed to acquire the required GCSEs to access it. Before studying with the National Extension College, Najma graduated with a maths degree through the Open University. Already familiar with distance learning, […]

Don’t give something up, start something new this year!

Don’t give something up, start something new this year!

It’s the beginning of a new year and time to start work on your New Year’s resolution. So, have you decided to stop doing something, or start doing something? Now, I completely acknowledge the potential health benefits of resolutions that include giving something up. But how often have you decided to quit something on January […]

A home-educator’s journey, part 4: Booking exams

A home-educator’s journey, part 4: Booking exams

This post was originally published on January 2nd 2019 and updated on March 23rd 2020. Today’s post is the forth in the series of our ‘home educator’s journey’, following the lives of Anna and Lucy on their NEC learner story. Anna and Lucy are a mother and daughter who are sharing their experiences of online […]

Learning to study is as important as learning the subject: Why we must all learn how to learn

Learning to study is as important as learning the subject: Why we must all learn how to learn

You may feel education is something you only do at school and its purpose purely academic. Perhaps you live by the axiom ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, or feel that you have learnt everything that you need to know? A job in your 20s is unlikely to be the same job you […]