As A level Results Day 2023 inches closer, it’s crucial to be well-informed about the details. From key dates to grading changes and post-results actions, we’ve compiled everything you need to know for this significant day.

When to Expect Your Results

Students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland can anticipate receiving their A-level and T-level results in August, following the 2023 summer exams. Schools and colleges will provide the necessary support as students collect their results and transition into further study or employment.

Mark These Dates

  • A level and T-level results released to schools: August 16, 2023
  • A level and T-level results day for students: August 17, 2023
  • Deadline to request a priority copy of the paper: August 31, 2023
  • Deadline to request a review of marking: September 28, 2023
  • Students can request copies of marked papers to check for errors and opt for a re-marking if necessary.

The Time of Release

Typically, results can be collected from schools or colleges in the morning, starting from 8 am. However, institutions might stagger the release times or send out results via email.

How to Access Results

Students who applied to universities through UCAS can also check their online profiles for offer confirmations. Generally, ID isn’t required for result collection, but it’s advisable to have it for a smooth process.

Grading Changes for This Year

After the disruptions caused by the pandemic, the government aims to bring grading levels back to 2019 standards. A key focus is aligning national results closely with 2019 to ensure fairness.

What to Anticipate

While student performance might be lower than 2019 due to grading adjustments, grade boundaries will ensure a similar pass rate. Top grades might be more challenging to achieve, and regional disparities in student performance, particularly at higher grades, could widen.

Absence on A level Results Day 2023

Students unable to collect results in person might opt for emailed results. This is helpful for those away from home or those preferring privacy. Emails are usually sent at the same time as in-person collection.

Dealing with Unachieved Grade Expectations

For students who find themselves with grades lower than expected on A level results day 2023, it’s important to approach the situation with a clear plan and a positive mindset. While it can be disheartening, remember that you have options and pathways to explore.

For students not meeting their desired grades for university, schools might advise contacting the university where they’ve accepted an offer. Alternative courses at the same institution could be explored. In some cases, schools might need to communicate extenuating circumstances to the university or assist in appealing an A level grade.

  • Appealing a Grade

Students can appeal against a received grade if they believe there was a mistake in marking or administration. This involves requesting to see the marked paper and initiating a review of marking.

  • Firm Offers, Insurance Offers, and Clearing

Students with UCAS applications often accept firm and insurance offers. If grades fall short, checking if they’re still eligible for the chosen course or an alternative is vital. Clearing might be an option if offers are withdrawn.

Read our blog about what to do when you didn’t get the A level results you wanted for our top tips.

A level Certificates

Certificates aren’t issued on results day. Instead, students receive Candidate Statements of Provisional Results, containing awarded grades and individual marks. Certificates are granted after re-marks and appeals are processed, often during autumn.

What to Keep in Mind

Stay informed, stay calm, and remember that your journey continues beyond results day. Regardless of the outcomes, there are numerous paths open to you. Good luck!

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